The Crucial Role of Shared Experiences in the Military Community for Student Veterans

A Tradition of Camaraderie

After World War II, when veterans returned home, many sought refuge in the hallowed halls of academia. Drawn to the structured, hierarchical environment reminiscent of their military service, they found solace and camaraderie in housing and fraternity life on college campuses. 

Decades later, the essence of that camaraderie still holds, and student veterans continue to benefit from shared experiences within the military community. There are four key reasons why these shared experiences matter so much for student veterans.

Embracing Belonging

Sebastian Junger, in his book Tribe: On Homecoming and Belonging, asserts that camaraderie and a sense of belonging are paramount to human well-being. Junger highlights that individuals often find a more profound understanding of connection with their peers during times of shared hardship. This idea translates seamlessly to student veterans who seek a similar sense of belonging in their academic journey after facing the rigors of military life.

Creating a shared environment for student veterans significantly correlates with their academic success. When they find themselves among peers who understand their unique experiences, they are more likely to feel supported, reducing feelings of isolation and anxiety. This shared connection can boost morale, foster collaborative learning, and enhance their educational experience.

Normalizing Help-Seeking in a Group Setting

Transitioning from the military to civilian life can be challenging, and student veterans may encounter obstacles that impede their academic progress. However, within a military community, seeking help is not seen as a sign of weakness but rather as a collaborative effort to overcome challenges.

In this setting, asking for assistance is normalized, making it easier for student veterans to reach out for support when needed. Whether it's academic guidance, mental health resources, or career counseling, the sense of unity within the military community encourages them to seek help without fear of judgment.

Combating Academic Hurdles

Poor class attendance and participation can become a slippery slope that leads to academic underperformance. However, within a tight-knit military community, the likelihood of missing classes diminishes significantly. Shared experiences create a sense of responsibility to one another, fostering a culture of accountability that extends to academics.

By attending classes regularly, student veterans benefit from the academic content and participate in early at-risk intervention. Peers and mentors within the community can readily identify signs of struggle and offer timely assistance, preventing academic setbacks before they escalate.

Paving the Path to Successful Careers Through Networking

The importance of networking cannot be overstated in today's professional landscape. A thriving military community is a valuable resource hub for student veterans, offering access to shared knowledge, experiences, and connections that can enhance career outcomes.

Student veterans can tap into industry insights, job opportunities, and mentorship within this network. Leveraging shared experiences and camaraderie, they can navigate the transition from academia to the workforce with greater confidence and success.

Read more on the importance of building community with student veterans.


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The Importance of Building Community with Student Veterans